Beauty Out of Chaos Blog

October 1, 2011

Homework and Twins

Filed under: ADHD,children,education,parenting,travel,Uncategorized — cjdwhite @ 2:25 pm
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I have twin boys in second grade, and we have discovered over the summer that one has ADHD as well as some sensory issues (or maybe sensory issues contributing to the ADHD?). That’s another post, but in the meantime, homework has become quite an issue for us.

It’s still better than it was last year, when we were having complete meltdowns, but it is very time and energy consuming. Not to mention emotional. We spend from about 4 PM to 5 PM each day on homework, and then we spend 20 minutes reading together at bedtime. I LOVE reading with the boys every day.

This year, we have homework every day, Monday through Thursday, and sometimes we have long-term projects that require work on the weekends. So far, we have had to complete a tri-fold display board about an Australian animal, and now we are to rehearse some lines for a class play over the weekend.

I am hoping that I make it through the year! My husband will be out of the country most of the year, and my energy is being drained.

My son with issues really needs me to sit with him while he works. He requires encouragement, redirection, and moral support.

And guess what?? I have a daughter in fifth grade, and thank goodness, she is very independent, or she would be flunking fifth grade. I have no time left to give her.

I think the boys’ second grade class is very typical in terms of homework, and I love their teacher. Couldn’t ask for better. The school is wonderful and deliberate about implementing the best of educational practices. But this experience, so far, has made me question the value of homework at this age.

I never felt this way with my daughter, when I was helping with just one kid. Part of me recognizes that I am reacting to what it is like to do homework with a kid who doesn’t find academics a breeze.

And I know that American schools are in a heap of trouble and need to focus on getting their kids up to speed. I just wonder if daily homework before about fourth grade bears as much fruit as we hope it does.

When I was in school, I remember WANTING homework and having to wait until fourth grade to get it. Even then, it was usually just a few math problems or whatever was left on a page we had been working in class. Only about 10 minutes. I think I turned out OK.

What do you think is the answer??? How can we instill the basics in our kids without wearing them, and their parents, out?

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